Thursday, July 17, 2008

On The Mend

Mommy must be feeling better because the camera came out today. That could be because I made her laugh this morning. She's been really worried about me, so has Daddy. Daddy stayed with me ALL DAY yesterday! I helped him nap, and snoopervised him on the treadmill, and cuddled up to him while he was reading a book. Oh, and I kissed his nose.

I'm getting off track, sorry. I made Mommy laugh this morning. I was relaxing on the bed and she came in to see how I was doing so I wagged my tail - she likes it when I do that. Then I lenaed over a bit onto my shoulder and lifted up my front leg a bit. Mommy laughed and came to give me a cuddle and a tummy rub. I made sure she knew I appreciated it because I made my little grunting noises. That's why they call me a cuddle pig. Well, that and the curly tail. Sigh, I guess it could be worse.

So, as I was saying, Mommy took out the camera, and put it on her new tripod. It's at Bolo height so I had to investigate, because I have an investigating nose.

Then she went outside. WITHOUT ME! So I had to stand at the window and tell her I did NOT approve of this change of location! Especially without me! She finally opened the door again and blocked it off so I couldn't get out (it's the door to the front yard) but I was still voicing my displeasure so she finally came inside.

And I told her in no uncertain terms that -I- wanted outside time too! Oh wow, do I look like a cat there or what?!?!So she threw me in the backyard. Sigh. That's ok. I know I'll get a walk later, Mommy promised.

In other news, I've healed quite a bit. I think Mommy was wrong, I think there were only 6 stitches in total.
Oh! And I need to add this to my award collection! Thank you Gaia! I have to think about who to give this too so look for an edit later today after I think about it.
Oh, and I'm in the first batch of taste testers for Gaia's Mommy's treats! I haven't gotten my box yet so I will wait pei-tiently until then. Ok, im-pei-tiently.

Did I miss anything? If I did, I'll get to it tomorrow! Sniff ya later!

Pei-Ess: I forgot to add that Aunt Sharon and Uncle Marty sent me an e-card saying Get Better Soon! Thank you Aunt Sharon and Uncle Marty! Snuffles and drool to both of you!


Charlie Daniels said...

G'day Bolo

Mate I am happy to hear you are recovering very quickly from the vicious attack!

Though, having said that, it looks like you are still in a bit of pain in that photo with your eyes closed and your mouth open! ;-)



Gaia the Airedale said...

Bolo that is a grreat photo of you outside! And yay Im glad you got the award photo to work! And when I wag my nub my mommy laughs too hehe, I dont know what it is really!

puppy breath,

River said...

Your ouchies look much better today. That's some scary picture of you being unhappy. Wow. This new camera of your mommy's is too good!

love & wags,

Dandy Duke said...

We're glad you're feeling better, Bolo! We love spending lots of time outside too but mom won't let us in this heat!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

What is wrong with your mom with all the openeing and closing of doors and blocking your path?

I wish I could hear your snuggle pig sounds. Have a great weekend.
