Thursday, July 31, 2008

Pawlimpics Reminder!

This is just a reminder for everyone to send their Pawlimpics entries into Lenny! Today is the LAST DAY for ENTRIES! I'm going to go look at Mommy's collection of pictures one more time to see if I can enter in anymore categories.

I sent in my entries yesterday! Here's my entry for the sleeping competition. I don't remember the picture being taken, but I do remember it was my first visit EVER to Granny and Grandpaw's house. I don't even remember if they had adopted Khaya yet. As you can see, I was just exhausti-pei-tated! But I had done some running and sniffing and investigating and we had gone down to the lake which was frozen over and we got to walk on a bit. Just a bit, we didn't go far. I was only about 4 months old then. Dog, was I ever cute! That's Mommy I'm cuddled up to.

Ok, I've got to go see if I can enter in anything else! Sniff ya later!


Charlie Daniels said...

G'day Bolo

You look extremely cute in that photo! :-)



Dandy Duke said...

What an adorable picture, Bolo!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Gaia the Airedale said...

Awwwwwwww Bolo you look so snug curled up. I sent in a sleeping pic of me I found in moms settings! So you and me have compitish! ... hehe I cant wait to see the other competitors though!

puppy breath,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Bolo!
You look so adorable in that picture!
Kisses and hugs