Sunday, August 3, 2008

Weekend update

It's really strange having people visiting. I had to bark when they came to the door of course, because that's my job. Then I had to sniff and sniff and sniff and bark some more. They had to know that this is MY house. Mommy's friend Melissa is nice, she smells like cat so I made sure to cuddle up to her. Apparently her cats won't be so happy when she gets home.

Mommy's other friend I wasn't too sure about. He's a boy human. What? Man-human. Mommy says 33 year old don't like to be called boys. Whatever. We had to have an alpha conversation and I'm not sure that I won. Hmmm. I'll have to think about that one.

Well, since Mommy is busy with her friends this weekend, although I am getting BARELY enough cuddles from everyone pei laughter the camera hasn't come out so there are no pictures. Sorry guys. I'll have words with Mommy about that.

Mommy did make sure to include me when they went out to the ice cream place last night. Even though I didn't actually GET an ice cream, it was nice to go in the car.

Oh, they're all awake! Sniff ya later! I have to mooch cuddles!


Dexter said...

Bolo! Mom is going through smoochie Bolo face withdrawal (which kind of hurts my feelings). My human brother is 30 years old, but momma still calls him boy. You're just being careful with new people.


Dandy Duke said...

What do you mean you didn't get any ice cream? Why not? You're worth it, right?! Dad said he's taking us out for ice cream tonight! We'll think of you, Bolo!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Charlie Daniels said...

G'day Bolo

Maybe Mom is still practicing her balancing ... has she fallen over yet? I think too much white can make tham fall over! ;-)



River said...

Didn't they have any frosty paws? They should have at least let you lick the spoons! My mom has the smoochiesmoochie withdrawal too! She says I'm pretty smoochie too which helps haha

love & wags,