Saturday, December 27, 2008

Second Day of Peimas!

Happy Second Day of Peimas! Or Second Pei of Christmas, whichever one you're celebrating. And what did your true Pei give to you? Two Expressive Ears! And a Nose Kiss Just for you!
(Blogger is giving us trouble so we'll post pictures tomorrow, with apologies.)

Today was my Adventure at Poochini's Barkery! I knew something was up because Mommy and Daddy were excited. Mommy more than Daddy. So was Grandad.

So Mommy parked the car a few blocks away from the Barkery and took out her camera. You know it's an important event if the camera comes out. Anyway, off we went! And finally, THERE IT WAS! I could smell it from way down the street. Mom opened the door and the flashbulbs of the pupparazzi went off! When my eyes cleared I saw it was Grandad. And there was Miss Lea! The Cookie Lady HERSELF! She offered me a cookie right off the bat. My kind of person!

I got to sniff the WHOLE store! Even the kitchen area. It's like I was a celebrity or something! I should have left her my pawtograph but I was a little frazzeled by my first public appearence by demand. I'll be back Miss Lea! I did see she had my Christmas card up on her bulletin board. Mom and Dad got me a bunch of cookies to refill my cookie jar - it's about time! - at home. I was really glad to get to visit Miss Lea at Poochini's. She's a really nice lady and she gave some really good scritches. That's what I look for in my human friends you know.

Tomorrow we're heading back home. It's been a great trip - and I got to sleep over at Grandma and Grandad's (and I've been invited to come back!) which was new for me. It was nice to see Uncle Marty and Aunt Sharon, wish we could see them more often. And my trip to Poochini's was PAWESOME! Miss Lea says she reads my blog as often as she can so I'm going to send her Cyber Nose Kisses!

OK, I'm tired. I've had a busy day and tomorrow is just as busy.

Sniff ya later!

Pei-Ess, we should have pcitures up by tomorrow evening. Apologies again for not being able to get them right.


Anonymous said...

We were so pumped to see the pictures! We will check back tomorrow night!

Duke said...

We can't wait to see pictures of your big adventure at Poochini's, Bolo! What an exciting day for you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

That barkery visit sounds utterly pawsome, Bolo! We can't wait for photos!

Your Pals,
Sen-Chan, Tom and Tama-Chan

Anonymous said...

I love the blog... always uplifting, printing this for the bulletin board!
you are very adorable Bolo... and we can't wait to have you back for another visit to Poochini's

Ms. Lea :) (the cookie gal)