Sunday, December 28, 2008

Third Pei of Christmas!

On the Third Day or Peimas/Third Pei of Christmas, you get, three tail wags, two expressive ears and Nose Kisses just for you!

Ok, I'm back home after my HUGE adventure. Ah, much as I like Adventuring, it's nice to be home. I want to send HUGE thank yous and Cyber Nose Kisses to Grandma and Grandad for hosting us. I don't think there were enough cuddles going on between the three of us, but I'm welcome back so we can change that. Pei laughter.

So, finally, here are pictures of me at Poochini's!
Here I am arriving. Mom should have gotten a picture of the WHOLE front of the store. Sheesh. Sometimes I think Mom has lost it. Gotta love her, she fills the water dish. Pei laughter.

Here I am making my entrance. (Picture by Grandad).

Here I am in the store, on the right. (Picture by Grandad.) Mom is in the red coat and that little dog is apparently named Muffin. Miss Lea is in the back in green. There are cookies on the counter, and more behind me. More in the bukets next to Miss Lea. I have to tell you every puppy, it smells SO GOOD in there. Mom bought me 2 bags of cookies and some big honey bones. Yummmmmm. And it was wonderful to meet Miss Lea. Read yesterday's post for more about my adventure at Poochini's.

Uncle Marty hasn't sent the video to Mom yet so I can't post it. I'll bug Uncle Marty about that today. In the meantime, let me show you what happened yesterday.Yup, spontaneous cuddle session!

Sniff ya later!


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

I just don;t understand why we don;t have a barkery like that anywhere around here!


Dandy Duke said...

We just love that first picture of your tail, Bolo! How neat!
We biggified the inside of Pouchini's so we could see all of the yummy stuff up close and personal! OMG, you are soooooooooo lucky to be there!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

AB clan said...

Lucky Bolo!

Plenty of nice adventures!
ViVi & AB

Eduardo said...

I love Peimas! Enjoy those cookies!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle