Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wednesday Weekly Wrap up


I'm still here.  Mom wasn't sure there for a little while, but I'm holding my own.  The liver soup that Mom made is helping - a little.  At least I'm eating.

According to the Vet, I have a cyst or tumor on my liver.  Mom and Dad and I had a big discussion on what we were going to do to make me better.  Right now, we're not considering surgery.  So we're just going to ride this out as long as I can for now and see where it leads us.

I've lost about 10lbs and it shows.  I'm not eating so much, but I'm still a pretty happy guy.  I did have a few rough days but I think part of that was one of the pills they have me on which makes me want to throw up.  Mom and Dad stopped giving me that one after I threw up on their bed....again

So all in all, it's been a bit of a rough time.  Mom made me liver this week, some liver soup, some red rice and I've gotten OODLES of cuddles and ear scratches.  Part of that is the rain and thunder storms we've gotten this week too though.

We're not sure how long I have before crossing the Bridge, but it'll probably happen sooner rather than later and that makes Mom very sad and sometimes she can't help but cry.  I can't say I'm too happy about that either. I'm not near ready to go yet though.  I still have a job to do looking after my family and I'll also be doing some sleeping, blog reading, Facebooking, and mooching as many cuddles from my family as I can.

A big thank you to Mango Momma, River The Beagle's Mom, and The Poupounette's #1 for their advice to Mom.  It's nice to have friends like you.

Sniff ya later!


Two French Bulldogs said...

poor baby. We are keeping all our paws crossed
Benny & Lily

Unknown said...

Oh Bolo!!! I'm so behind with blog friends and I just found out about your sickie now!! :-( I am so upset & sad - I can't imagine how your humans must be feeling. Am sending lots of healing slobbers to you and keeping all my paws crossed - I know you're such a brave boy and will fight as long as you can. We'll be thinking of you constantly from the other side of the world...

Honey the Great Dane

Lorenza said...

I did not know.
I really hope you will have many more precious days with your family.
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Dexter said...

Bolo! Eating liver for your liver. Interesting, eh? I am glad your mom is making you liver soup. Try to eat some, OK? I bet it is super stinky. YUM!

Please keep us posted because we are very worried about you.


Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Mango sent us over. Hope you're feeling better soon. We all have our paws crossed for you and sendin' some prayers too.

Amber and Max
And Mom

Corbin said...

Stoppin' over from the Mango's place. I've got my paws crossed for you buddy. Keep eating and hopefully you'll feel better. But, remember... you can protect your humans from the bridge too. Be comfortable, my friend!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Bolo! You are as precious to us as one of our own family so we are all cross-pawed and cross-eyed at Poupounette Central, and all the kitties are purrinfor you g like mad for you. We wish you cuddles, good times and many, many days of love and life.

Woofs, Purrs, Neighs and Hugs,
Tommy, The Chans, Vidock, Violette and #1

Ruby and Penny said...

Bolo, we are sending lots of Doxie feel great vibes your way.
Hugs to you & your family.
Love Ruby & Penny

Kari in Alaska said...

Oh Bolo we are sending love!

Stop on by for a visit

KB said...

Bolo - Our friend Mango told us about you. We are in a similar situation, and we know how much the words of support from Blogville can help.

We just wanted to say that we're thinking of you. Enjoy these days as much as you can!

Dandy Duke said...

We just came from Mango's blog. Our paws are crossed for you, Bolo!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Willow the Black Dale said...

Oh Bolo we have been absent for so long and are so so sorry to hear you are sick. We want to send airehugs and airekisses yor way.
Willow, her mommy and her sister Embertron

River said...

Before you go, my mom wants to say how much she will miss you and your wonderful smoochy nose. We can only pray that you will last a good long time. Whenever you cross the Bridge and get to play with our beagles it will be too soon, way too soon.

If there's anything we can do let us know. Sometimes even money won't make much difference but love and caring make all the difference. We will be thinking of you from now until forever.

love & wags from River & his mom

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Bolo, we know you through Mango and wanted to stop by to wish you some good thoughts and wishes. We are so sorry to hear about your liver doing so poorly. Mom wants to give you a great big hug and a few snooter smoochies too. Take care.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

We're just catching up now. We've got out paws crossed that you can stay your happy, comfy self for as long as possible. Take care of yourself and keep us posted. We'll be thinking of you!

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

rottrover said...

Oh Bolo... Take one day at a time and enjoy each one!

-Bart and Ruby

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Hi Bolo, we also came over from Mango's blog and wanted to let you know we are sending paws-itive thoughts your way.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Bolo, Mango sent us over. Sorry we haven't met you before this sad time. Hang in there buddy, we hope you have a few happy days left.

Hugs to you and your peeps.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Bolo, Uncle Mango sent us to you. We're sorry you have the sickies and we send you gentle hugs and smoochies all the way from Oz. You sure are a wrinkly fella but totally cool! love, Stella and Rory

Asta said...

Deawest Bolo
None of us awe weady to have you cwoss the bwidge yet,,I know we all have to someday, but pleez not just yet..i know that whatevew time you have will be filled wif love and tweats and evewy moment will be speshull. I hope you can eat and keep the food fwom coming back..i'm sending you stwength and my healing smoochie kisses and the Powew of the Paw to help you


The World According to Garth Riley said...


Mango sent me over. So sorry to hear you've been sick. We'll be thinking about you and sending healing lab energy your way.

My mom says she really feels for your mom and knows what your mom is going through and knows it is very difficult. She says she thinks it's much harder on the moms and dads than it is on the pups.

Hope you are able to enjoy every day!


Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Bolo, sweet baby, we're praying that the bump on your liver is a cyst and that it will go away. You look like such a gentle pooch. Crossing paws and special Terrier Zen too.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRocketDog and Hootie

Oskar said...

Oh Bolo, what heartbreaking news for your family. We will be saying pawerful prayers.

Nubbin wiggles & hugs,
Oskar & Pam

Sue said...

Bolo, our Morgan has liver disease too and the doctor says it's getting worse. Mom started her on something called Denamarin and she's feeling lots better. We don't know if it's actually helping her liver, we'll find out next month, but she sure is happier and more active. If you want to know more drop us an email.
Morgan and the Porties

Chris said...

Bolo, we are over from Mango's blog. So sorry to hear of your illness. We are keeping our paws crossed and saying a prayer for you.

koko said...

Dear Bolo,

Sorry to hear about your sickies... we are keeping our paws crossed for a speedy recovery and sending pei healing vibes across the oceans to you. Please be strong my furiend.

Hugs and licks, hero and family

Moose said...

Bolo Dude, long time no see! I'm not on blogger so much anymore but I heard you were sickie so wanted to stop by and offer POTP for you! Those are giant Moose-sized paws too! I told momma to cross her paws too! I rally hope you have lotsa feel good time left to share your adventures.
Also puppy has gotten big!