Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wednesday Adventures!

Look what I got! It was a gift from Charlie Daniels! Thanks Charlie!
Wow, that even kind of looks like my paw!

I don't have much time to write this morning, Mommy is trying to push me out the door to pee and I'm not ready yet, I'm still waking up and I need my cuddle. So I'll add who I want to give this award to later today, if nobody minds. I can give you a hint, it'll be everyone! Pei Laughter.

Sniff ya later!

OK, I'm finally awake, and I've even been on an Adventure, pics on that tomorrow.

I'd like to send that Golden Paw out to as many people as I can.

Charlie Daniels, can I give a Paw back to you? If I can, you deserve it.
I'm sending one to River and his gang, for their Beagel-ness;
One to Lorenza and one to Mona, because they're long little doggies, Daddy is making me say that ladies, sorry;
One to Eduardo, for being Snuggly and looking after his Mom so well. He's an inspiration.
Gaia, Maggie and Mitch and Willow because Mommy has weird memories of being french kissed by an Airedale. I'm not asking, I don't want to know. In fact, I'm probably too young to know.
Mango, Dexter and Hector, because c'mon, they're Mango, Dexter and Hector. 'Nuff said.
Oorvi, because HELLO! Everyone Loves Oorvi!
Booker, because he's my mentor in racooning, which might just need to be a sport in the next Pawlimpic Games;
Levi and Cooper, for some wonderful insight into schnauzers - which are very popular with Daddy's family;
I also want to send one out to a friend I just met, Dannan and The Girl. Hi! Nice to meet you! Grab a Paw!
Now I just have to keep checking all the blogs for new updates to let them know they have an award.

Sniff ya later!


Dexter said...

Maybe mom needs to get up a wee bit earlier. With Mango away at camp, my mom is going through smoochie face withdrawal.


Eduardo said...

Hi Bolo!! I've been to your page before, thanks for the award! I will give my Mommy a cuddle for you she will enjoy that! Do you mind if I add you to my snuggle buddies so that I can come to your blog more often?
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Anonymous said...

Hi Bolo,

Congratulations. That's a golden paw for sure!

And thanks for passing the award to me:)

Licks n Wags,

Charlie Daniels said...

G'day Bolo

I can't wait to see your adventure pics :-)



Lindsay said...

Oooooh, Bolo, congratulations on the award from Charlie Daniels! And, thanks so much for passing it on to us!!! We are so thrilled!

Brown dog kisses (and, of course, nose smoochies from The Girl),
Dannan and The Girl

Dandy Duke said...

Thank you so very much, Bolo! We are honored! French kissing??? hummmmmmmmmmmm

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch