So here they are! My Look-A-Like Contest Winners!
We only had 3 entries - which is ok - and my Mom, being a wonderful Mom, said we could get everyone a prize! I personally snuffled each and every one of the hippos that are being shipped out to my three contestants.

In the category of Dressing Alike, please congratulate
Miss Lois Lane and her Mom! (Doesn't Laney make a great lap dog?)

In the category of Doing Activities Together, please congratulate
Miss Honey the Great Dane and her Mom. (My Mom also said she wished she were getting a pawdicure with them. Pfft. Girls.)

And in the category of Look A Like Faces, please congratulate Mr.
Mango Relentlessly Huge and his Dad. (I think that's the first time I've ever seen Mango's Dad!)

Congratulations to my contestants! And thanks Mom for getting the prizes!
I'd also like to thank my judges, even though they didn't have a chance to really judge. Thank you Dad, Grandma, Grandad and Miss Jenn!
Sniff ya later!
Pei-Ess, I almost forgot! This is post 601 !!!!!!!