So there we were yesterday, Mom was wrestling Puppy into trying to take a nap, I was showing the best ever example of napping when Mom says "I give up!" and she gets us both ready and says "We're going to Grandma and Grandad's to help plant tulips!" WOHOO! Snoopervisory work! I excel at Snoopervisory work.
Puppy got right in, down and dirty with Grandma.

And it all got done! I honestly don't know what Grandma and Grandad would have done without us there. Those tulips would never have been planted I'm telling you. They were both very thankful and I got oodles of ear scratches, chin scratches - you know, the good stuff.
Anyway, somewhere in there, Grandad - our official photographer (all these pictures were taken by Grandad BTW) - Grandad snapped this one:

Anyway, here is the CONTEST INFO!
Send me a picture of how YOUR human parents, or another family member, look like YOU!
Send me a picture of how YOUR human parents, or another family member, look like YOU!
Here's an example. Mom says she has jowls in that picture. Well, have I ever got a good set of JOWLS! Or, Mom and Grandma say Puppy has Shar Pei thighs because he has baby fat there and they look a little folded. Or it could just be an expression. I have a picture for this one!
Puppy and I. Mine is the first picture. But look at that! We could almost pass as TWINS!
Anyway, this is post 591. I'll give you until Saturday November 13 to send me those AWESOME pictures of you and your look alike family! I'm sure I'll be at post 600 by then!
Here's my pee-mail bolo(at)magma(dot)ca
Sniff ya later!
Pei-Ess - Oops. Judging will be done by Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandad, and probably Miss Jenn. In case of a tie, we'll let Puppy decide. So far I only have 1 prize (it's a hippo - because I look like a little hippo sometimes) but I'm sure I can convince Mom to get another one. What else..... kitties are welcome to enter as well, we can find a cat prize. Did I miss anything else?