Mommy must be feeling better because the camera came out today. That could be because I made her laugh this morning. She's been really worried about me, so has Daddy. Daddy stayed with me ALL DAY yesterday! I helped him nap, and snoopervised him on the treadmill, and cuddled up to him while he was reading a book. Oh, and I kissed his nose.
I'm getting off track, sorry. I made Mommy laugh this morning. I was relaxing on the bed and she came in to see how I was doing so I wagged my tail - she likes it when I do that. Then I lenaed over a bit onto my shoulder and lifted up my front leg a bit. Mommy laughed and came to give me a cuddle and a tummy rub. I made sure she knew I appreciated it because I made my little grunting noises. That's why they call me a cuddle pig. Well, that and the curly tail. Sigh, I guess it could be worse.
So, as I was saying, Mommy took out the camera, and put it on her new tripod. It's at Bolo height so I had to investigate, because I have an investigating nose.

Then she went outside. WITHOUT ME! So I had to stand at the window and tell her I did NOT approve of this change of location! Especially without me! She finally opened the door again and blocked it off so I couldn't get out (it's the door to the front yard) but I was still voicing my displeasure so she finally came inside.

And I told her in no uncertain terms that -I- wanted outside time too! Oh wow, do I look like a cat there or what?!?!

So she threw me in the backyard. Sigh. That's ok. I know I'll get a walk later, Mommy promised.

In other news, I've healed quite a bit. I think Mommy was wrong, I think there were only 6 stitches in total.

Oh! And I need to add this to my award collection! Thank you Gaia! I have to think about who to give this too so look for an edit later today after I think about it.

Oh, and I'm in the first batch of taste testers for Gaia's Mommy's treats! I haven't gotten my box yet so I will wait pei-tiently until then. Ok, im-pei-tiently.
Did I miss anything? If I did, I'll get to it tomorrow! Sniff ya later!
Pei-Ess: I forgot to add that Aunt Sharon and Uncle Marty sent me an e-card saying Get Better Soon! Thank you Aunt Sharon and Uncle Marty! Snuffles and drool to both of you!