This award is presented to those dog bloggers out there who know the meaning of GREATNESS. Their blogs are consistently interesting, funny, or informative. Their KINDNESS is extended to others without expectation of it’s return, and their FRIENDSHIP inspires others to do EXTRAORDINARY things. These are the blogs you can’t wait to read everyday. In short, they are AWE-INSPIRING, full of wonder, and simply PAWsome!Pass this award on to 4 others who you feel exemplify a “Paw”some Blog, and leave a note saying why you think they deserve the Pawsome Award!”
Thanks Mango! I think you're pawsome too! And Dexter, you're pretty pawsome in your own labradude way. So now I have to pass it on. OK. I think everyone deserves this award because you all put so much work into your blogs. Here's my random list, 4 of the blogs that Mom and I can never miss.
Ms. Lois Lane - Mom, Dad and I think she's beautiful and she has fun adventures. We really want to meet her.
The Poupounette (Tom, Tama-chan and Sei-chan) - One day we're all going to go and visit Tom and his kit-sisters, and #1 too. We really need to see his castle too. That looks like such a great place to run around.
The TN Bull Terrors aka Kids in Dog Suits - Darla Jean, Pappy, Feather Louise and LizzaBella are some of the most encouraging puppies we know. Thier Mom and Dad are pretty snazzy too.
Gio and Romeo at Life is better with Sheltie Hair - They have great adventures. I think my Mom should take an example from thier Mom and get me involved in all sorts of stuff. You know, like therapy dog work and rally-o.
Is that 4? Good. I think a bunch more dogs deserve this award so I'm going to pass it on some more. (Rules are made to be broken you know. Pei laughter)
Ruby and Penny, Maggie and Mitch, Gus and Waldo, River, Mona and her Mommy, Dozer and Star, Daisy - in all her pinkness, Eduardo, Tinkerbelle and her brothers, Vivi and her cats, Hamish and his sister, Lorenza, Madison, Charlie Daniels, Bogart and Oorvi. I know I missed some but Mom wants her computer back for some reason. Sheesh. Can't she use Dad's? Or the laptop even?
I'm going to leave with a great profile shot of me.