Friday, July 3, 2009

Bolo's Friday Weather Report and Other Adventures

Well, like every morning this week, it's raining. And like every afternoon this week, it'll probably be sunny today. Wish it would make up it's mind. Or be sunny when I have to go out and do my thing. I don't like getting wet you know. Mom was surprised I didn't melt away to nothing I'm so sweet. I may be sweet Mom but I'm not soluble! Pei laughter. Sorry, that's an inside joke. Dad is always asking me if I'm soluble.

So, my plan for today is this:

Find a comfy place and stretch out and wait for some sunshine. There's plenty of room if anyone wants to join me.

Sniff ya later!


Moose said...

Hope it at least decides to be sunny for the weekend! Stay dry!

AB clan said...

Hi Bolo
It's very dry here, we only have sun, we are waiting some storms, I hate thunder!
ViVi & AB

Chloe and Libby said...

Bolo, my mommy says she doesn't understand our weather. It was just in the 90's last week and this week it has been in the 60's and 70's. We are enjoying the nice weather.
Hope it is nice and sunny for you tomorrow!

Lorenza said...

Sounds like a good plan!
Have fun!
Kisses and hugs