The Bad: But they had to remove me from the room at one point because I was getting a bit too agressive. Mommy told them to make sure I didn't get TOO aggressive. It was my first time back since the INCIDENT. Mommy and Daddy want me to go back to be socialized because they don't want me to be overly aggressive. -I- don't want to be overly aggressive, but sometimes......sigh......instinct takes over you know? I'm trying. I really am. There was also some talk of an overnight stay. Overnight? Without Mommy and Daddy? Who will I cuddle up with? I'll have to think about that.
The Clean: Me. Yeah, bath time. Blech. I did my best to avoid it. I even tried to hide in the linen closet but there were too many towels and I couldn't get onto the shelf. Although, this isn't too bad a picture of me.
Pei-Ess. Oorvi has been taunting me about something that will appear on her blog. But it's not there yet! WAH! I'm waiting im-pei-tiently.
G'day Bolo
I love the towel! :-)
PeeEss: Does the towel taste good?
The pirate towel! Very Masculine...and definitely you;-)
I'll be in touch...
Licks n Wags,
Hi, Bolo!
I love that picture of you getting into the bathtub!!!
Kisses and hugs
That's one butch towel. You definitely da man!
love & wags,
We love you climbing into the tub! What a cute picture!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Bolo,
Come to my place!
Come soon...or the bird will fly away!
Licks n wags,
So Macho! Momma loves the pic of you climbing into the tub, she said you are so brave and smart... what is it with people?
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