Hello everyone!
Well, I survived the weekend. Boy it was super busy! I'm going to spend today napping and regaining my strength.
First of all, remember on
Saturday I said I'd wag my tail in practicing for Grandma and Grandad's arrival? And that Charlie Daniels, living in Australia, should watch out for Butterfly Effect storms caused by my tail? Yeah, well, read this
here. Yeah, a big storm hit his house and they were PLUNGED into darkness. Charlie, I'm SO sorry! I didn't realize I was that powerful! At least you had your Moo, Chook and Pumpkin with you.
In other news, Dannan,
The Little Brown Dog, has tagged me for a 7x7 meme thing. I'll get to that in a minute, I want to get the rest of my news out first.

So yesterday was Great Granny's Birthday! We all gathered to celebrate with her. I was still feeling a little unwell, you can see a couple of red spots on my head there near my eye. I didn't give her nose kisses, but I did grace her my presence,
pei laughter, and she gave me scratches. Happy Birthday Great Gran! Oh! And today is Aunt Christine's birthday! Happy Birthday!

Mom was the official family photographer for all of this so I was able to act like my wonderful pei-fessional model self. I think Mom and Dad should repaint the house white. I look good against white. And around natural, light,wood tones.
Grandma and Grandad got home fine, I'm sure they miss me already,
pei laughter. Once all this allergy stuff is out of my system, I'll be allowed to eat my new cookies

Drool. I am such a lucky pei! Thank you Grandma and Grandad for the cookies!
I think that's everything I wanted to write. Oh, yeah. When I was a tthe Vet's on Saturday night - that emergency thing, yeah - they had to weigh me. I don't mind standing on the scale. The thing is, this time Mommy wasn't happy with the number. 66lbs. I was 60lbs at my last physical. I'm worried I won't get a lot of chance to eat all of those cookies. Hmm. Maybe I should just insist on extra walks. Yes, yes, that will work. Don't cut down my food Mom, walk me more!

This is a good picture of me, but I'm kind of looking my weight. I know a few of my friends have slimmed down recently. If they would care to share their secrets, I'd be really happy about that.
Sniff ya later!
7x7 Meme
7 Things I Plan To Do Before I Die1. Kiss Grandma's Nose
2. Catch a Squirrel
3. Drive the car, the front seat is much better than the back
4. Go into my neighbours house and meet thier cat Miss Lucy
5. Play with Uncle Brett's cats
6. Eat a whole Rollover "bone" at one sitting
7. Get a Forever Brother, I think that might be cool
7 Things I Do Now1. Get as many cuddles as I can!
2. Sleep on the Big Bed
3. Eat when I want (I'm free feeding)
4. Wait for Uncle Brett to come to the door after he calls
5. Answer the door when the door bell rings
6. Squeak my Squirrel Toys with great enthusiasm
7. Blog!
7 Things I Can't Do1. Open the front door
2. Open the back door
3. Swim, although Granny is working on getting me in the water
4. Meet my DWB friends in person, YET
5. Go to work with Daddy
6. Go into my neighbours house and meet their cat Miss Lucy
7. Go into any of my neighbours houses
7 Things That Attract Me to The Opposite Sex1. Noses
2. Bums
3. Tails
4. How much they want to play with me
5. Ear scratches
6. Cuddle factors
7. The presence of dog cookies on their person
7 Things I say Most Often1. Open the Door!
2. Scratch my ears please
3. Why did you wake me up?
4. Scratch my ears please
5.Welcome Home!
6. Scratch my ears please
7. I want to go outside!
7 Celebrities That I Admire1. Daddy
2. Mommy
3. Uncle Brett and Aunt Angela
4. Grandad and Grandma
5. Granny and Granpa
Bolo Yeung, my mentor in Bolo-ness
7. All the
Bolo's that have come before and after me.
7 Who Gets to do this now1. Anyone
2. who
3. hasn't
4. done
5. it
6. yet
7. !!