Monday, January 12, 2009

Feeling Good and Giant Kongs

So I'm feeling a bit better. I spent Sunday curled up just within arms reach of Daddy while he worked on a puzzle. Every now and then he'd reach back and cuddle me. Life is good. My face isn't swollen anymore, the owie on my foot doesn't hurt anymore, though it's still a little red, and I get to go to Day Camp today! Whee! Last time they worte on my report card I love(heart) Bolo! Why wouldn't I want to go back to that. Pei laughter.

So what's this Giant Kong nonsense I wrote in the title? Well, everyone knows I have my own pee-mail address right? So Mom and I were looking through this message that got caught in the Spam Filter, I thought Spam was meat. Can you filter stuff through meat?

The title of the pee-mail was Get a Giant King-Kong. Ooooo. I told Mommy to stop because I wanted to check that one out. She goes, Bolo, they're not talking about Kongs like the one I bought you that you never play with. Really? says I, Then what are they talking about? Mom says Dangley bits. I snorted and said That's false advertising! She totally agreed with me. I was all hyped up to have a contest for something else and have the Kong as a prise too. Sigh.

Oh well. Doesn't matter I guess, I'm going to Day Care!

Sniff ya later!


Dexter said...

Oh my! You are getting email about dangly bits? I'm glad your mom didn't let you read that.

Glad you are feeling improved. Have fun at camp!


Allison Walton said...

Haroo, Bolo!

We iz Gus and Waldo. We finded ur blog from Addie. Woo is a beewootiful doggeh! Will woo be ar friend?

We hopes ur face getz bettur soon. Waldo haz been sick too, so we knowz it iz not fun to bee sick.

Gus and Waldo

Nibbles Treats said...

We are so glad to hear that you are feeling better. We were worried about you. Nothing like a lazy weekend of snuggles and lovin'. Stay warm!

Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker

Eduardo said...

I'm sorry about your alergic reaction! I hope you have a great day at day care!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We are so glad that you are feeling better, Bolo! And believe us, nose kisses are better than vague promises of whatsits on the Internet!

Tom and Tama-Chan

Dandy Duke said...

We are so glad you're feeling better, Bolo! Have a great time at daycare!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

River said...

I'm glad you're feeling better! That allergic stuff is scary. Hope you had fun at day camp.

love & wags,

Lindsay said...

We're so glad you're feeling better, Bolo! Good on your Mom for catching that email before you read it - some of those spams are definitely HBO!

Katherine and Pippa said...

*snort* mistress thought that was too funny!