Friday, September 4, 2009

Bolo's Friday Weather Report and Other Adventures

Beautiful sunny day here, Mom and Dad have had the windows open so I can sniff the world and keep a nose out for those pesky squirrels that like to taunt me from the trees and the fence and stuff.

So I had a Noseventure yesterday. I went to visit the neighbours.

Mr. Goat didn't appreciate my serenading him and tried to headbutt me from the other side of the fence. Oh yeah? See if I get Dad to bring YOU carrots again, you old goat.

That's about it. It's Friday and I don't know what Mom and Dad have planned for the weekend. I'm guessing there will be some snoopervising to do. Hopefully some Noseventures. Have a good weekend everypuppy!

Sniff ya later!


Dexter said...

I think goats have even harder heads than you. I think enjoying him from your side of the fence is wise.


Astrid Keel said...

BOL! That was a funny post Bolo... I agree with Mango; seems like Mr Goat would be safer on the other side of the fence... after all, who knows when you might want to find out what he tastes like?

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Have a great weekend, filled with noseventures and snoopervising of the best kind!

Sally said...

OH - that goat seemed a little snooty - good thing there was that fence indeed.

Have a great weekend - and by the way not sure if we said it before - but thank you for the support you gave us when Paddy was ill - it helped us get through a scary time

Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy

niqqi said...

Yo! That's an interesting neighbor! Although good fences make for good neighbors, it's always a good idea to get along with everyone!!! (Maybe you'll get to learn to speak GOAT???)



koko said...

Hi Bolo,

Hope you had a good snoppervising and noseventures weekend... and love thy neighbors!

Licks, hero