Sniff ya later!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Rainy Day Tuesday
It's raining here at my house. So I'm posting a picture from my Birthday Party to remind me what sunshine looks like.
Or, I guess, sunshine on my nose. Pei laughter.
There were lots of cuddles for me yesterday, including a midnight Bolo Cuddle Sandwich. Ahhhh, that's the life. I'm hoping there will be more cuddles today too, so far, it's looking really good on the cuddle forecast.
Not much else to say folks, I'd better go check on Mom, she might be napping without me!
Sniff ya later!
There were lots of cuddles for me yesterday, including a midnight Bolo Cuddle Sandwich. Ahhhh, that's the life. I'm hoping there will be more cuddles today too, so far, it's looking really good on the cuddle forecast.
Not much else to say folks, I'd better go check on Mom, she might be napping without me!
Sniff ya later!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Monday Morning Report
Hello everypuppy! I hope everyone had a nice weekend. I did.
I got a chance to visit with the neighbours again.
Always fun. Then on Saturday I had to snoopervise Dad in the basement and then I got an Adventure to the store! One little girl screamed and ran away from me though, which is too bad, I'm sure she would have smelled really nice. Oh well, there was a post nearby anyway so I smelled that instead.
Sunday was a little rainy so I had to snoopervise the Family Nap Time. It's a big job but somepuppy had to do it. Then Mom and Dad took me on a Noseventure! WOHOO! Love it when they do that. More Family Cuddles and Bolo Sandwich time when we all went to bed. Ahhhh.
Dad took me on a Noseventure this morning too! He knows how much I miss my morning Noseventures so he said the magic words, "Bolo beloved Pei.........FJORD!" and I had to jump up and kiss his nose, because that's what Shar Peis do. Mom says we have to get that on video. Uncle Marty, if you ever come up to visit me again, bring your video camera, I'll have lots of stuff to show you!
That's it for me. I have to go and snoopervise Mom in doing whatever she's doing. I think it will include a nap. I've been teaching her VERY well.
Sniff ya later!
I got a chance to visit with the neighbours again.
Sunday was a little rainy so I had to snoopervise the Family Nap Time. It's a big job but somepuppy had to do it. Then Mom and Dad took me on a Noseventure! WOHOO! Love it when they do that. More Family Cuddles and Bolo Sandwich time when we all went to bed. Ahhhh.
Dad took me on a Noseventure this morning too! He knows how much I miss my morning Noseventures so he said the magic words, "Bolo beloved Pei.........FJORD!" and I had to jump up and kiss his nose, because that's what Shar Peis do. Mom says we have to get that on video. Uncle Marty, if you ever come up to visit me again, bring your video camera, I'll have lots of stuff to show you!
That's it for me. I have to go and snoopervise Mom in doing whatever she's doing. I think it will include a nap. I've been teaching her VERY well.
Sniff ya later!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Photo Friday!
Anyway, I'll be napping this morning until Mom comes home for our afternoon snooze together -even -I- have to work at it sometimes you know. Have a good weekend everypuppy!
Sniff ya later!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Sniff ya later!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
400 Post Tuesday
I've been very busy today - hence how late this post is - napping with Mom and then making sure she took pictures of me. Since I'm celebrating my 400th post today, I thought maybe she should take a post 400 pictures of me. It was not to be. But what a good idea! Maybe I can convince her to do that for 500 posts.
At least SOME pictures were taken. That's the important thing. There are a couple of good ones I have to go through and pick for tomorrow's Wordless Wednesday.
Hope everyone had a good time, I'm off for a snooze. It's tough being a peifessional model you know.
Sniff ya later!
Hope everyone had a good time, I'm off for a snooze. It's tough being a peifessional model you know.
Sniff ya later!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Monday Morning Report
Well, I had a great weekend. Not that you'll see any of it, Mom didn't take her camera out even once! She's such a slacker. Sigh. So, no new pictures. I think I'll go on strike again. It seems to have worked last time.
I did manage to get oddles of cuddles and hugs and Bolo Sandwich Cuddle time - none of which was photographed. I might have to teach Dad how to use the camera, it might be the only way I'll ever get my picture taken again!
Well, apologies to my Nose Fan Club. I think I might just go a sulk and make Mom feel guilty.
Sniff ya later!
I did manage to get oddles of cuddles and hugs and Bolo Sandwich Cuddle time - none of which was photographed. I might have to teach Dad how to use the camera, it might be the only way I'll ever get my picture taken again!
Well, apologies to my Nose Fan Club. I think I might just go a sulk and make Mom feel guilty.
Sniff ya later!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Photo Friday!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
It's all in the Eyes
Mom loves to be able to see my eyes. She loves the colour.
Look into my eyes Mom, you are getting Sleeeeeeepeeeeeee. It's time to cuddle your Pei-beeeeee.
Pei laughter.
Mom and Dad took me out for a Noseventure last night, it felt good. I haven't been getting as many of those as I should, apparently when I pull, I hurt Mommy where the puppy is hiding. Oh, uhm, sorry Mom. Tell the puppy to hurry up and come out. I want my walks with Mom back!
Off to snoopervise HER. AGAIN.
Sniff ya later!
Look into my eyes Mom, you are getting Sleeeeeeepeeeeeee. It's time to cuddle your Pei-beeeeee.
Mom and Dad took me out for a Noseventure last night, it felt good. I haven't been getting as many of those as I should, apparently when I pull, I hurt Mommy where the puppy is hiding. Oh, uhm, sorry Mom. Tell the puppy to hurry up and come out. I want my walks with Mom back!
Off to snoopervise HER. AGAIN.
Sniff ya later!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Wordy Wednesday
First off, I have to say Happy Birthday to my Auntie Brenda! Happy Birthday Auntie Brenda!
This is Auntie Brenda and I looking at the giant squirrel in her tree. And here's the squirrel:
After a while the squirrel got boring and we started looking at the fighters, that's Dad on the right in all black.
So that was my Saturday Adventure, then we had dinner with Granny and Bionic Grandpa and Great Gran. Mom didn't take her camera out AT ALL during dinner. Oh well, I got oddles of cuddles and got to play with my cousin Tia. All good. That was my weekend.
Now excuse me, I have to go and find Mom. I'm her snoopervisor you know, she'd better not be up to something without me!
Sniff ya later!
Now excuse me, I have to go and find Mom. I'm her snoopervisor you know, she'd better not be up to something without me!
Sniff ya later!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Tuesday Update
Well, like I promised, here's a bit of an update on my Birthday Weekend. First of all, there were LOTS of cuddles. That's my I'm getting a cuddle face: (That's Daddy's Arm with paint stains on the t-shirt.)
Doesn't that just say it all right there?
If you remember, I also put out a call on Pei Day for wrinkle pictures. Miss Ruby, was the only one who responded:
Look at those wrinkles! You're a Shar Pei In Training Ruby! Those are great wrinkles! We think you're adorable. You can come visit us in person ANYTIME. Mom said she wants to cuddle you and give you nose kisses.
I'd better go check on Mom. I'll write more about my Adventures tomorrow.
Sniff ya later!
If you remember, I also put out a call on Pei Day for wrinkle pictures. Miss Ruby, was the only one who responded:
I'd better go check on Mom. I'll write more about my Adventures tomorrow.
Sniff ya later!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Monday Morning Report
OK, well technically, it's Monday AFTERNOON, but it's got to be Monday morning SOMEWHERE right? I was busy this morning anyway, I had to snoopervise a nap with Mom, and then a super amazing cuddle fest with Mom, and then I had to make sure SHE didn't fall into the bathtub - not that I would have gone in to save her or anything, but I had to snoopervise that - because that's what Shar Peis do. So I've had a pretty busy morning. She also had to download all the pictures from the weekend.
Mona - of Mona and the Mommy Fame - wanted a flower picture of me. Well, we're kind of out of flowers around our house. Does me standing in front of something green work? Pardon my runny nose, I was snuffling.
I had a great weekend, I'll post more tomorrow about it, and a fantastic birthday. Grandma and Grandad even sent me an email birthday message! They love me, I can tell. I'd better get back to snoopervising whatever SHE is doing. Don't want her to hurt herself you know.
Sniff ya later!
Mona - of Mona and the Mommy Fame - wanted a flower picture of me. Well, we're kind of out of flowers around our house. Does me standing in front of something green work? Pardon my runny nose, I was snuffling.
Sniff ya later!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
It's Grandparent's Day!
Happy Grandparent's Day!
For those who don't know, today is Grandparent's Day. Mom just found out or I would have sent all my Grandparents a card. Instead, I'll post the pictures I have of my Grandma and Grandad when they last visited me in August. I think they need to come back, they must miss me by now.

I don't have any pictures of myself with Dad's parents for some reason. But I haven't seen them a lot lately. I did see them last night though! We all got together for dinner - to celebrate my Birthday! Dad bought Chinese food! No pictures though, we didn't have time, and we were all hungry. No, I didn't get any Crispy Beef, Mom said it might have been a little HOT for me. Darn. I did get cuddles and kisses though, that's important. I'll post more pictures of my weekend tomorrow for my Monday Morning Report. Right now I have to go and Snoopervise something, like Dad playing on his computer.
Sniff ya later!
For those who don't know, today is Grandparent's Day. Mom just found out or I would have sent all my Grandparents a card. Instead, I'll post the pictures I have of my Grandma and Grandad when they last visited me in August. I think they need to come back, they must miss me by now.
Sniff ya later!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Today is my Birthday! I'm 4 years old! Therefore I am issuing a decree that Today is Pei Day!
Channel your inner Pei! Show me the Wrinkles! You can pee-mail them to me at bolo(at)magma(dot)ca!
I'd better get back to bed, there might be a cuddle hiding in there somewhere!
Sniff ya later!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Bolo's Friday Weather Report and Other Adventures
It's nice and sunny here today and the Internet says it will be nice and sunny all weekend! This is good because I have a busy weekend planned! Oddly enough, it's almost on the same date as what I did last year at this time:
That's right! Daddy's Swordfighting Class September Birthday Tournament! This works well because tomorrow is my ACTUAL BIRTHDAY! Mom had better make me a cake. I'm so excited! I like going to Auntie Brenda's House and I know I'll get lots of good cuddles and I'll get to snuffle everything and everyone! Mom is always worried I'll snuffle my nose off, no way Mom! I've Krazy Glued it on! Pei Laughter. If I'm not totally exhaustipeited tomorrow, I'll post pictures of all the fun and excitement.
In other news, yesterday I got to rescue Dad! Mom even let me sniff squirrel holes! No camera though, although she did take pictures of me in my backyard. They haven't come off the camera yet but you have to reward her for getting the process started, so I made sure to give her nose kisses yesterday while we were watching Heroes together.
Have a good weekend everyone!
Sniff ya later!
In other news, yesterday I got to rescue Dad! Mom even let me sniff squirrel holes! No camera though, although she did take pictures of me in my backyard. They haven't come off the camera yet but you have to reward her for getting the process started, so I made sure to give her nose kisses yesterday while we were watching Heroes together.
Have a good weekend everyone!
Sniff ya later!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
OK, that's a FAIRLY new picture of me. Like, from last week. Mom is REALLY slacking off. Grandad, you're going to have to come and visit me so I can get more pictures!
I had a Noseventure this morning! Mom was walking me over to Subway to meet Dad and Bailey, the local Bernese Mountain Dog, walked by me. I wanted to say Hi! Mom said I might ruin her mojo. Sigh. I was able to say Hi from a bit of a distance. Mom says because of the puppy her balance is off and she doesn't want either of us to get hurt so I have to walk nicely. Wish the puppy would just get here and then I could have longer and better walks. Sigh.
Anyway, I'd better go and see if SHE's doing anything interesting I should be snoopervising. Probably not, but I'd better check anyway.
Sniff ya later!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Wordy Wednesday
I want to reassure everyone that I did get a Noseventure yesterday. Mom and Dad took me to PetSmart because I needed food. Of course we stopped by the PetsHotel to say hi to my girlfriends, because that's just what Shar Peis do. While we were there, guess who we met?
Cindy! A 1 1/2 year old fawn coloured much smaller Shar Pei! I was a little excited and growled, Mom and Dad weren't happy about that, but WOW! I thought I was the only Shar Pei in town at this point. She was really excited to be there and seemed very friendly, wish I could have chatted with her a bit more. Wish Mom had brought the camera too. Darn it.
Still no new pictures of me, so I'll leave you with this one while I go and encourage Mom to break out the camera.

Sniff ya later!
Cindy! A 1 1/2 year old fawn coloured much smaller Shar Pei! I was a little excited and growled, Mom and Dad weren't happy about that, but WOW! I thought I was the only Shar Pei in town at this point. She was really excited to be there and seemed very friendly, wish I could have chatted with her a bit more. Wish Mom had brought the camera too. Darn it.
Still no new pictures of me, so I'll leave you with this one while I go and encourage Mom to break out the camera.
Sniff ya later!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Tuesday Morning Report
I'm trying to encourage Mom to get her butt in gear this morning and take me for a walk. Dad has already left for work, so it doesn't look like I'll be going on an Adventure with him. Humph. Yesterday was much better when the three of us were home together, in my opinion.
So, here's my I Need An Adventure Face:
Is that not the face of a suffering Adventure Deprived Pei? I'd say it was.
Oh, and Mom, don't forget to bring the camera.
On a side note, THEY woke me up this morning by pei-handling me into a Bolo Cuddle Sandwich! Does it get any better?
Sniff ya later!
So, here's my I Need An Adventure Face:
Oh, and Mom, don't forget to bring the camera.
On a side note, THEY woke me up this morning by pei-handling me into a Bolo Cuddle Sandwich! Does it get any better?
Sniff ya later!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Monday Morning Report
It's still very early on Monday morning, but I want to get my report out then head back to cuddle Mom and Dad. Today is Labour Day here in Canada, which means it's a Statutory Holiday. That means most Moms and Dads are on vacation today! For me, that means oodles of cuddles!
I did a LOT of snoopervising this weekend. On Saturday there was Dad to snoopervise - he was putting up shelving, then I had to snoopervise Mom's Nap (Dad napped too) then the putting in of the Car Seat (I'm not sure about the Car Seat thing, it's too wierd for me to use, I never had one as a puppy. At least they didn't block me from my favorite window.) Then there was an Adventure with Dad!
I LOVE Adventures with Dad!
Dad is great to go Adventuring with because we can talk about all sorts of boy things that Mom doesn't understand, like peeing on trees. Mom only wishes she could pee on trees, I'm sure. We came back from our Adventure and then Mom and Dad blocked off all my escape routes and asked me nicely to jump in the bathtub - which I did. I have my dignity you know, I don't need to get tossed into the tub, even though I dislike bathes. I was so brave, luckily THEY recognized this and I got cuddles.
Sunday I had to snoopervise more cleaning, more naps, more Adventures and then THEY cornered me and stuck goop in my ears! I feel like I spent half the night shaking goop out of my ears! They could have a least warmed it up a bit. Cold goop in your ears is no fun!
Not sure what THEY have planned for this morning, but if I head back to bed right now, I'm pretty sure I can get in a Bolo Cuddle Sandwich! Gotta go!
Sniff ya later!
I did a LOT of snoopervising this weekend. On Saturday there was Dad to snoopervise - he was putting up shelving, then I had to snoopervise Mom's Nap (Dad napped too) then the putting in of the Car Seat (I'm not sure about the Car Seat thing, it's too wierd for me to use, I never had one as a puppy. At least they didn't block me from my favorite window.) Then there was an Adventure with Dad!
I LOVE Adventures with Dad!
Sunday I had to snoopervise more cleaning, more naps, more Adventures and then THEY cornered me and stuck goop in my ears! I feel like I spent half the night shaking goop out of my ears! They could have a least warmed it up a bit. Cold goop in your ears is no fun!
Not sure what THEY have planned for this morning, but if I head back to bed right now, I'm pretty sure I can get in a Bolo Cuddle Sandwich! Gotta go!
Sniff ya later!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Bolo's Friday Weather Report and Other Adventures
Beautiful sunny day here, Mom and Dad have had the windows open so I can sniff the world and keep a nose out for those pesky squirrels that like to taunt me from the trees and the fence and stuff.
So I had a Noseventure yesterday. I went to visit the neighbours.
Mr. Goat didn't appreciate my serenading him and tried to headbutt me from the other side of the fence. Oh yeah? See if I get Dad to bring YOU carrots again, you old goat.
That's about it. It's Friday and I don't know what Mom and Dad have planned for the weekend. I'm guessing there will be some snoopervising to do. Hopefully some Noseventures. Have a good weekend everypuppy!
Sniff ya later!
So I had a Noseventure yesterday. I went to visit the neighbours.
That's about it. It's Friday and I don't know what Mom and Dad have planned for the weekend. I'm guessing there will be some snoopervising to do. Hopefully some Noseventures. Have a good weekend everypuppy!
Sniff ya later!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
So I had a huge nap to snoopervise for Mom yesterday. That's the fun part about her having a puppy, she naps a lot more. Which means I also get cuddled more. Here I am preparing for my duties as Napping Buddy:
It's a tough job but somepuppy has to do it.
Mom and Dad took me out on a Noseventure last night! We went off to PetSmart and said Hello to all my girlfriends at the Hotel! They haven't seen me in a while so you know, I have to show up to make sure they all know what I look like and everything. I also got mega cuddles from the two trainers that were there - one of them was MY trainer - Tanya! I hadn't seen her in FOREVER! I showed her how well I can sit and she gave me a treat I'm not suppoed to have. Gotta love her.
Not sure what Mom has planned for today, I'm sure there will be a nap involved somewhere, so after I finish this post, I'll get a little snooze in so I'm ready to be a good Napping Buddy.
Sniff ya later!

Mom and Dad took me out on a Noseventure last night! We went off to PetSmart and said Hello to all my girlfriends at the Hotel! They haven't seen me in a while so you know, I have to show up to make sure they all know what I look like and everything. I also got mega cuddles from the two trainers that were there - one of them was MY trainer - Tanya! I hadn't seen her in FOREVER! I showed her how well I can sit and she gave me a treat I'm not suppoed to have. Gotta love her.
Not sure what Mom has planned for today, I'm sure there will be a nap involved somewhere, so after I finish this post, I'll get a little snooze in so I'm ready to be a good Napping Buddy.
Sniff ya later!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Tuesday Morning Report
Hello! I'm back! We lost our Internet connection very early on Saturday morning and didn't get it back until last night. I was going into withdrawl. I had to nap to get over it.
It was a busy snoopervision weekend, but I mostly snoopervised naps. Yup, both Mom and Dad napped like you wouldn't believe. I have taught them well. Unfortunately, the camera didn't come out at all this weekend. Mom and I did go through my older pictures and found some really nice ones (like that one up there) that never made it to my online collection. It's good that we found some, just so you remember exactly what I look like you know, I have been gone for 3 days.
Now I have to go and catch up with everyone elses Adventures!
Sniff ya later!

Now I have to go and catch up with everyone elses Adventures!
Sniff ya later!
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