It started with a wake up from Mommy and a quick trip to check the perimeter. All’s well. Then Mommy took me adventuring so I could check the larger perimeter. All’s well. Then I was allowed to nap with my bone. Mommy came home – I’d like to say I hadn’t noticed when she left but her fingers are longer than mine and she can reach into my bone and push out leftover treats from inside, so yes, I do notice when she’s not around. Anyway, Mommy came home and normally we go and rescue Daddy from work. But she said Daddy didn’t NEED rescuing. How he could not NEED a rescue from Me, I don’t know, but I did voice my displeasure and got lots of cuddles from Mommy to make up for it. So I settled done with a bone.
Then Daddy came home! I did my dance of joy and let him know that I missed him and that he really SHOULD have called me to rescue him, because that’s my job and I get great satisfaction from doing that. He huggled me though and that’s very important to a
Then I noticed that SHE was getting the camera ready. Since I’m her most favourite subject at the moment, and sometimes I actually don’t MIND being her subject, I thought maybe we were going adventuring again. HA! I was RIGHT!
We ended up at Aunt Leslie’s! And I saw my cousin Gabe. He’s a 12 year old yellow lab and Mommy says to be gentle because the
I also saw my Granny! Oh, I should say that I stay in my kennel while THEY eat because that way Daddy’s niece and nephew don’t run me over.
This morning we had more adventures! Daddy’s Mommy came to visit and I got to give her ooddles of kisses! She likes to smush my nose.
Daddy’s Daddy helped them bring stuff in from outside – Mommy will write later about that – which means I had to sulk in the kitchen.
Now I’m exhaustipeited again. I wonder what tomorrow will bring? Sniff ya later!
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