First of all, a Merry Christmas, Season's Greetings, Happy Wintermas, whatever you're celebrating, I hope you're full of friends, family and good food.
Mom and Puppy were up REALLY early this morning and they sent out my e-mail DWB cards! Thank you. That was really nice of them, and it lets me sleep in.
Mom put up our Christmas Tree this week, but hasn't put up the star yet (she says Puppy is being needy - I think she's being a bit lazy, Santa Paws is watching Mom!) so I volunteered one of my stars. What do you think?

I thought it was delicious! Pei laughter!

BTW, way to focus on my butt there Mom. Sheesh! Grandad, Mom needs some serious photography help. She's lost it!
OH! Speaking of Grandad, he came to visit me on Tuesday! I didn't see Grandma anywhere around, I did look for her, in case she needed a snuffle, but she wasn't there. What'd you do to her Grandad? Hmmm? Oh, Mom says Grandma is fine, well that's good 'cause you know, SANTA PAWS IS WATCHING!
OK, so our tree is up and the cookies are in the cookie jar, we're ready for you Santa Paws!
Sniff ya later!
Pei-Ess - we got the box you sent Laney! We`ll talk about that with Christmas presents!